“Thorough, thoughtful, and precise. Chelsea helped me shape the writing of my book and really made the stories shine. Very happy with this collaboration.”

– Martijn Doolaard, Two Years on a Bike

Manuscript Evaluation

good if you want a beta reader, editorial letter, figure out what you need to make book ready for publishing, helps decide if you should get dev edits or move on to copyedits

Line and Copyediting

line by line edits-what you’re thinking of, correcting typos. line editing more in depth–refines your unique style and brings out your voice, as well as makes corrections.

Developmental Editing

in depth reading of whole manuscript. edits in text and also editorial letter. more back and forth. usually one pass but maybe two if needed.


Not to be confused with copyediting, this the final step before publication. many trad publishers do this in house, but if you’re an indie author sending your book to the printers yourself, this is the stage that saves you from spotting embarrassing typos after going to print.